

May 2008 Statistics No comments yet

We are still going in a positive direction. Total units sold was better than 50 closings than in April. I…

BAILOUT Bill? No comments yet

I keep reading all these opinions that say we should not bailout anyone who is about to lose their home…

April Statistics No comments yet

Well my crystal ball was off in some areas but it was better than I thought. Units Sold was up…

My crystal ball for April Statistics… No comments yet

Next week we should get the new April MLS Statistics. I felt very good about the February and March Statistics.…

Federal Funds Rate cut again No comments yet

The Federal Reserve cut the Federal Funds Rate by 1/4%. This will cause a small change in your credit card…

  • Ability Realty, Real Estate, Tucson, AZ
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Ability Realty
Barry Fotheringham, Broker
7360 E. 22nd Street,
Tucson, AZ 85710